Monday 23 March 2015

Shoulders Exercises Without Weights

        Bodyweight exercises can help tone and strengthen your shoulders. Since they require minimal space and no equipment, they provide an easy way to squeeze exercise into your schedule. Including shoulder exercises in two or three strength-training sessions a week will help build muscle. Talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program.



     Shoulder circles strengthen the shoulders. Stand up straight, bend your knees slightly and position your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift your arms by your sides, parallel to the floor. Bend your arms slightly -- this will help you focus on your shoulders and prevent your arms from fatiguing during the circles. Make small, clockwise circles with your arms for 30 to 60 seconds. Reverse your direction and circle your arms for 30 to 60 seconds.


      Shoulder packing increases muscular strength in the shoulders and back. Stand up straight, position your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Tighten your abdominal muscles and relax your shoulders. Lift your chin and chest slightly. Pull your shoulder blades down and together without arching your lower back. Pause and hold for five to 10 seconds. Repeat two to four times.


        Plank strengthens the shoulders while toning the lower back and stomach. Kneel on all fours and place your hands under your shoulders. Spread your fingers and point them forward. Extend your legs behind you and lift onto your toes. Tighten your stomach muscles and align your back, hips, knees and lower back. Lower to your knees if this is too hard or if you are unable to maintain alignment. Widen your feet to reduce difficulty; bring them closer to make plank harder. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, stopping when your shoulders and midsection fatigue.


    Supermans tone the shoulders, back and glutes. Lie on your stomach, point your toes away from your body, lift your arms overhead and put them on the floor. Turn your palms inward, relax your head and look down. Align your neck and back -- maintain this alignment throughout the exercise. Simultaneously lift your arms and feet 2 to 6 inches off the floor. Don’t lift as high if your back arches. Hold for a few seconds, then lower your arms and legs to the floor. Try to keep your stomach, hips and head still during the exercise. Complete 12 to 20 repetitions, stopping when your muscles fatigue.

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Also see
Build Massive Shoulders
Chest Workout
Great Abs Workout

Sunday 22 March 2015


I feel that shoulder exercise can be a great deal of fun and very productive for growth.
        Learn more below......

Many people feel that no matter how intensely they work their shoulders they never seem to grow or respond. But its not true, building shoulder  requires a
perfect set of exercises being done in a consistent way.


           As we all know our shoulder have three sides-front,rear and back.The question is which side you hit to get the broad shoulder or frame you always wanted and what exercise to choose.I stayed mainly with one standard exercise, the military press.
           As a compound movement it works excellent to add on size and i believe it cannot be substituted for anything else.


        Shoulders are very important  on the road to building a perfect body.
Not only when you hit a double back bicep pose do they look amazing but when just standing up they look great. Also in my opinion when your side delts grow in proportion to your biceps, it makes your biceps and arms look more defined and large.
         When you pose your body should look perfect or as close to perfect as you want. So with that i your mind you should not only see in double back bicep pose your biceps,triceps but also skip and go right to your lats.



      Pretty simple to explain this exercise. Use a barbell or two dumbbells and have your knuckles face the ceiling as you raise the barbell or dumbbells to your shoulders. Then with control raise the bar above your head until you arms are almost fully extended and lower it back down and repeat.


       Grab two dumbbells. Hold them at your side with your knuckles facing the ground. Raise your to your shoulder height keeping them almost straight.
Maybe go a little above your shoulders.Try a couple of variations.


         Once again use two dumbbells and lay face down on your bench. Start with the dumbbells hanging then raise your arms, which should be close to straight, so they about parallel to your shoulders.  


         Once again two dumbbells are required. Start at your shoulders like military press. Hold them with knuckles facing upward, however with your palms facing you. As you push towards the ceiling twist your arms so your palms face away from you.


         Put a barbell over your head and lower it so that it touches the back of your neck. Press it upwards like military then lower it down behind your neck.
You can always try to make a combination of military press and behind the neck press like in ROCKY where he switches every rep. However a word of caution with this exercise, some people believe that it rotates your rotator cuff so be careful if you even want to try it.


          Bend over like you are rowing so you are parallel to the floor. Use two dumbbells and raise them in the same way as Lying Lateral Raises.


          Use a barbell, hold it at your waist and raise it to shoulder height or just about shoulder height. Your elbows should surpass your shoulders.


          Simply bend over parallel to the floor and pull the weight to your chest.
However, tuck your elbows instead of regular rowing.


      Shoulders like every muscle have to be built. You might as well make the best out of every workout and enjoy it. Because if you do not enjoy your workout or you are not working intensely then it is a waste of time. To have perfect body you need every muscles developed and in proportions so shoulder workouts a must. Although i enjoy working my shoulders i always hear people whining in the gym about how hard they had to work their their shoulders.

            If you are going to cry about it just don't do it, it's as simple as that. Because if you cant push yourself it means you are not cut out and when other people who stick it out and work their hardest get the 1st prize, you won't even be on stage. Every single person has great potential, it's just up to them whether they use it or not.....

So friends stay tuned for more such workouts that 

really helps you to make perfect body.....
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Worked out a lot but still didn't got those fabulous six packs
Dont worry........
   I have got a whole new workout routine for you to get those six packs in just few weeks

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Creating a well toned chest requires a lot of time

 M going to tell you about a powerful chest workout that lasts for 30 minutes and i guarantee you that following it regularly will help you carve out awesome chest in not more than six weeks.

CLICK HERE to watch the whole workout

you can download the app on  ITUNES and APP STORE 

Also have a look on SHOULDER EXERCISES